Monday, April 27, 2020

First hour of the ten hours of programming (info tech)

first hour of the ten hours of programming
so i chose to study the drawing and animation for the ten hours of programming because i want to learn how to animate better and for the first hour i looked at the intro to programing and drawing basics.
in the intro to programing it just showed what programming is, and for the drawing basics i learned that when you create new shapes the ones on the lower levels show up at the top of the other shapes. i learned how to create (ellipse, rect, line) circles, ovals, squares, rectangles and lines. i learned that when we are coding them we have to write 4 numbers indicating where we want it and how we want it, the first two numbers control where the shape is the first one being left and right and the second being up and down. and the last two control how wide or thin the shape is.  we code with first choosing which shape we want (ellipse, rect, line) the we add brackets and put the 4 numbers in and after that we have to add this ; mark at the end so it appears on the blank space. we can also add the name or title to the object so we dont forget which one it is on the picture by adding two slashes like this // and then adding the name. i did the challenge to create the snowman with the circles for the body and a rectangle for the background and two lines for the arms. and thats all i did for today ill do more tommorow/

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