Wednesday, April 29, 2020

second hour of the ten hours of programming (infotech)

second hour of the ten hours of programming
so today i was learning coloring. i learned how to color in the shapes i drew, the outline, the background and how to remove the outlines, and how to make the outline thicker.
so to fill the background we write "background" and then three numbers pop up indicating the RGB colors the first number is how red the color is, the second how green it is and the thud how blue it is. when we color in the background we need to keep the command at the very top of the others so its in the very back. now to color in the shapes we have a new command, the fill command. now the fill command will fill all shapes that come after the command unless we add more of those commands before the other shapes.
to color the outline we have to write the command "stroke" and we can also change the thickness of the outline by writing "strokeweight" and even remove the outline all together with this command "nostroke".
and always set the color before the shape commands.
i also did another challenge where i had to color in the snowman, the ground, the sun and the background.
there is also a documentation for all the commands so we don't have to memorize them all!
if we don't know what the function is of the place holders that we get when we copy and paste the commands we can go back to the documentation and click on it to check the function of it in a lot of detail.
after that we got a project to do which was called: whats for dinner?
so i just drew some fruits like grapes, orange,  and an apple.
so thats all i did for this hour next hour ill be doing the next lesson:variables.

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