Saturday, May 2, 2020

fifth hour of the ten hours of programming (infotech)

fifth hour of the ten hours of programming
so today i continued with the animation project shooting star which i didn't have time to start yesterday.
so all i had to do was animate a dot shooting like a star and add more stars in the background and that's all i did.
i made two stars move and five still stars in the background.
so next lesson is the interactive programs.
so what i learned in this lesson was how to make the objects move where the mouse is by writing mouseX and mouseY, but it always has to be inside the draw function.
then we had two challenges: the tasty tomato and the mouse movement mania.
the tomato one we just had to add bites as if we where eating it.
in the mouse movement mania we had to change the size of a circle, change the color of the circle and add the stroke with a different color as well.
and that's all for the integrative programs.
next is becoming a community coder.
so we can evaluate other peoples projects and comment and add suggestions too help them.
and learn something new as well while doing that.
we also shouldn't be afraid to ask for help which i need to practice because I'm shy to do so.
thats all for this hour. next will be resizing with variables which is a bonus.

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