Saturday, May 2, 2020

sixth hour of the ten hours of programming (infotech)

sixth hour of the ten hours of programming
so today i was learning resizing with variables.
some mathematical operators:
+ adding
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% take remaining
when using multiple operators the computer follows an " order of operators" kinda like the mathematical "BEDMAS" but in here its "PEMDAS".
parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division and subtraction.
we need to know fractions for resizing!!!
we then got to practice a little like a quiz. and i got two questions wrong. so i just redid it and got everything right.
after that we had a challenge, the brown bear eyes challenge.
so we had to use fractions to change the eyesize to always be the same compared to the facesize. then we had to make sure that the eyes would also move with the face when needed. that took me a while to do bu i did a good job and it was satisfying to see it all move and change size together while looking the same!
after that we had another project.
the project is called animal attack and i ran out of time on this hour so ill do it for the best, Im honestly not the best at fractions from the top of my head so it takes a while for me to calculate them.

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